I argued below that pagan myths and non-Christian religions can contain truth and therefore believers should be careful not to go to extremes in trying to deny parallels between Christianity and other faiths. However, that does not mean that all religions are on par...
In my last post, I argued that there is no need to deny similarities between Christianity and other religions. I also promised a post or two on the fact that Christianity is also very distinct from other religions. Here is the first. One unique aspect of Christianity...
In his wonderful Philosophy of Religion, Fulton J. Sheen expounds on several false assumptions underlying many studies of comparative religion. Here is a major one: is is commonly believed that the Divine and True Religion must be different from all other human...
HORATIO [After interacting with a ghost] O day and night, but this is wondrous strange! HAMLET And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Is there more to life than meets the...
The Sacred and the Profane is a classic work of scholarship that provides strong evidence in support of a Christian worldview. Mircea Eliade’s study of the history of religions builds on and strengthens Rudolph Otto’s The Idea of the Holy, in which Otto argues...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries