The Uniquely Personal and Immanent God of Christianity

The Uniquely Personal and Immanent God of Christianity

In my last post, I argued that there is no need to deny similarities between Christianity and other religions. I also promised a post or two on the fact that Christianity is also very distinct from other religions. Here is the first. One unique aspect of Christianity...
Reflections on Mircea Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane

Reflections on Mircea Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane

The Sacred and the Profane is a classic work of scholarship that provides strong evidence in support of a Christian worldview. Mircea Eliade’s study of the history of religions builds on and strengthens Rudolph Otto’s The Idea of the Holy, in which Otto argues...

Should the Big Games be Quite so Big?

You can tell you a lot about a culture by the buildings. What is the focal point of city or town? What are the highest, biggest, and most dazzling structures used for? Answering these questions will usually help explain what the people consider most valuable. We build...
God’s Desire to be Present with his People

God’s Desire to be Present with his People

The Don Johnson Show, 1-7-13 Corinna Nicalou is going to visit every church in her area in order to understand religion better and perhaps find God. Don and Brandon discuss her quest and take issue with some advice Corinna has received from Christians on her...
The Presence Model of Evangelism

The Presence Model of Evangelism

The Presence Model of Evangelism – 1 Peter 2:4-12 Don preaches about how God’s presence is the essential means by which he reaches out to the world. As such, believers need to do a lot more than just provide the lost with information; we need to exercise...
The Evolution of God?

The Evolution of God?

If there is no God, how did humans get the idea that he exists? Skeptics offer a wide variety of naturalistic explanations. One popular model postulates that the idea of God has evolved over time. According to this view, humans are atheists by default. However, at...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries