As J.P. Moreland recounts in the wonderful book In Search of a Confident Faith, he was speaking at a large church about how to nurture “God-confidence” when the following episode took place: As we were taking a coffee break, a young man on the church staff approached...
Skeptics often ask me why God wasn’t more concerned about slavery in the Old Testament. They suggest that God should have been a stronger advocate for freedom. The fact that he wasn’t supposedly shows a) God is immoral or unfair and/or b) There is a disunity...
The Don Johnson Show, 2-1-13 Rick Schenker is President and CEO of Ratio Christi, a campus-based Christian apologetics organization that is taking off around the world. Don talks to Rick about the ministry and how you can be involved.
You can tell you a lot about a culture by the buildings. What is the focal point of city or town? What are the highest, biggest, and most dazzling structures used for? Answering these questions will usually help explain what the people consider most valuable. We build...
I wrote in a previous post that abortion is essentially the same as pagan child sacrifice in that it involves the killing of babies in an effort to attain physical pleasure and material wealth. Abortion and child sacrifice to idols are similar in that the motivation...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries