Sexual Immorality and Five Other Reasons People Reject Christianity

Sexual Immorality and Five Other Reasons People Reject Christianity

Why do people reject Jesus? As someone with a keen interest in doctrine and apologetics, I usually focus on the more intellectual reasons for disbelief. I have found that skeptics are generally ignorant of sound theology, sketchy on the facts of history, and shoddy in...

The Fight Againist Anti-Semitism in the Church

Jules Isaac was one of France’s leading historians and intellectuals when World War II erupted in 1939. The German occupation of France cost him just about everything: He lost his position as the country’s Inspector General of Education and then his wife, daughter,...
The Evolution of God?

The Evolution of God?

If there is no God, how did humans get the idea that he exists? Skeptics offer a wide variety of naturalistic explanations. One popular model postulates that the idea of God has evolved over time. According to this view, humans are atheists by default. However, at...

What Christians can Learn about Evangelism from Obi Wan and Gandalf

When you think of trying to convince someone to become a Christian, what image comes to mind? Door to door salespeople? Sign wielding street preachers? Perhaps a Christian college professor armed with a wide array of facts and abstract arguments? While these types of...

Why I Don’t Let my Kids Watch Sesame Street

I’m with Mark Steyn: I loathe Sesame Street. In his weekend column Steyn notes that, among the many detrimental effects it has had on society, Sesame Street has contributed to the “de-monsterization” of childhood – the idea that there are no...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries