Should we Love Fantasy Stories and Pray about Football?

The Don Johnson Show, 1-12-09 Richard Dawkins has taken leave of his position at Oxford to study the effects of fantasy stories on children. He suspects they may be producing an irrational mindset in people that disposes them to more readily fall prey to religion....

Bigots, Pro-Christian Atheists and More

The Don Johnson Show, 1-8-09 Christopher Hitchens thinks Christians are bigots for believing some people go to hell. Heather Mac Donald doesn’t think they are, because they must not really believe that whole hell thing. ABC News doesn’t know the difference...

More Fascist Tendencies and Irrational Atheist Bus Advertising

The Don Johnson Show, 11-13-08 The intolerant, hateful bigots who opposed Proposition 8. Pondering the rights of plants in Switzerland. Atheist advertising in London and Washington D.C. is supposed to cause people to think. Brandon and Don take a shot at it. We...

Debate with Dr.Robert Price, Part 6

The Don Johnson Show, 11-8-08 This is Part 6 of a debate hosted by between Don and Dr. Robert Price on the resurrection. After an introduction by Paul Arends, Don and Brandon discuss the debate to this point and address some of the points brought up...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries