The Don Johnson Show, 11-3-08 This is Part 5 of a debate hosted by between Don and Dr. Robert Price on the resurrection. This episode includes an interview with Dr. Price followed by a commentary by host Paul Arends about where he thinks the debate...
The Don Johnson Show, 10-31-08 How Alan Greenspan’s worldview helped lead to the economic crisis. Is the Bible Illuminated another signpost on the way to a new dark ages?
The Don Johnson Show, 10-23-08 Don and Brandon discuss California’s Proposition 8, the world financial crisis, and why it is unwise to put your faith in money or politics.
The Don Johnson Show, 10-16-08 This is Part 4 of a debate hosted by between Don and Dr. Robert Price on the resurrection. This was supposed to be Dr. Price’s chance to respond, but debate host Paul Arends wanted some clarification of some of...
The Don Johnson Show 10-3-08 This is Part 3 of a debate hosted by between Don and Dr. Robert Price on the resurrection. In this episode Paul Arnends interviews Don and gets his response to last weeks discussion with Dr. Price.
The Don Johnson Show, 10-3-08 This is Part 2 of a debate hosted by between Don and Dr. Robert Price on the resurrection. In this episode Paul Arnends interviews Dr. Price and gets his response to Don’s argument in Part 1 of the...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries