Why Does God Remain Hidden from Seemingly Genuine Seekers?

Why Does God Remain Hidden from Seemingly Genuine Seekers?

The Bible indicates that everyone who seeks God finds him (Deut. 4:29; 1 Chron. 28:9; Psalm 9:10; Jer. 29:13; Matt. 7:7; Heb. 11:6, for example). But sometimes people who seem like genuine seekers simply don’t find God. I personally know many skeptics that claim...
Discussion with Naturalist Matthew Ferguson Part 2

Discussion with Naturalist Matthew Ferguson Part 2

The Don Johnson Show, 4-5-13 Don compares worldviews with metaphysical naturalist blogger Matthew Ferguson, a doctoral student at UC Irvine. In this part of the conversation, Don and Matthew discuss science and miracles. Some links to go with the show:   Miracles...
Discussion with Naturalist Matthew Ferguson Part 2

Discussion with Naturalist Matthew Ferguson Part 1

The Don Johnson Show, 4-5-13 Don compares worldviews with metaphysical naturalist blogger Matthew Ferguson, a doctoral student at UC Irvine. In this part of the conversation, Don and Matthew discuss the “mind-body” problem faced by reductionistic...
Samaria and the Love of God

Samaria and the Love of God

Samaria and the Love of God – John 4:7-26 In this sermon Don examines the nature of God’s love, using the history of Samaria as a case study. He argues that the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well represents Samaria as a whole and that Jesus’ interaction with her...
Death, Taxes, and the Unexamined Life

Death, Taxes, and the Unexamined Life

Benjamin Franklin famously said that nothing in the world can be said to be certain except death and taxes. As April 15th quickly approaches, I assume most of us have recently put at least some thought into the subject of taxes. However, how much have you pondered...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries