The Don Johnson Show, 4-30-05 The Air Force is requiring their staff to go through an RSVP (Respecting the Spiritual Values of Others) program to make that branch of the armed services more “sensitive.” We explain why this approach to religion is...
Thomas Bray with some good insight:…the new pope is clearly on to something when he worries that the pendulum in the West — and not just in Western Europe — may have swung too far in the direction of moral relativism and its offshoots. On university...
For a good example of the thinking behind Pope Benedict’s "dictatorship of relativism" (that "which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest value one’s own ego and one’s own desires"), listen to...
The Don Johnson Show, 4-23-05 The reaction to the election of Pope Benedict has exposed the “dictatorship of relativism” that he disdains for what it is. Most people judge his positions based on their personal preferences rather than whether or not what he...
Michael Novak has an excellent column about the new Pope and his battle against "The Culture of Meaninglessness."
As we discussed on Saturday’s show, the trend in American Christianity is to produce "followers" who simply don’t follow. A large percentage of Christians openly disregard the plain moral teachings of their church. Catholic Pat Buchanan and...
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