US News asks some good questions of evangelicals this week. With their apparent influence in the White House and a string of pop culture hits (from the Left Behind books to The Passion) “born-agains” are feeling pretty good about themselves. Mega-churches...
It’s Easter weekend of an election year, so as we prepare to celebrate the most important day (so far) in the history of the universe, let’s try to gain some perspective. These days everything is politics and the politics is getting dirtier and more...
Worlmagblog notes the latest nutty church plan to get butts in the seats: Church growth techniques can get really expensive, what with all of the consultants, electronic equipment, felt need surveys, and professional quality entertainment to get people into the...
John Kerry, an espoused Catholic, has been unwilling to attend mass the last couple of weeks out of a fear the he would be denied communion. His problem is that certain priests have grown some cajones and, in compliance with clear church teachings, started taking a...
One of the major draws of Mel Gibson’s Passion seems to have been the emotional effect it has had on people. Journalists have recorded again and again how people have left the theater crying. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing, but as I argue below (see Feb...
Written several months ago, this column is a must read for all those Christians trying to evangelize their friends by taking them to The Passion.
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries