The Don Johnson Show, October 23, 2015 Don offers some principles for interacting with skeptics of the Church and understanding their...
The smoke is beginning to clear, and Noah is already receding from the public consciousness. Here is a quick recap of some of my favorite articles, videos, and podcasts relating to the movie. Noah – The Emperor’s New Movie by Barbara Nicolosi Sympathy for...
Just to clarify, the title of this post does not refer to the Noah movie. As I’ve stated elsewhere, I think the film is an unscriptural mess that disparages God’s character and undermines the gospel. In other words, the movie makes God look bad and...
The Don Johnson Show, 4-4-14 Don, Brandon, and Calvin Moore talk about the theology of the Noah movie, specifically in light of how the New Testament interprets the flood story.
The Don Johnson Show, 12-13-13 What is Christmas all about? Don and Brandon talk about the meaning of the incarnation by surveying how Jesus was prefigured in the Old Testament.
The Don Johnson Show, 11-8-13 Don and Brandon share some personal stories from the last week and discuss how they relate to our view of God.
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries