Conservative American Christians like to portray themselves as defenders of religious liberty and freedom of speech. You often hear them mocking liberal “snowflakes” for trying to shut down discussions, silence dissenting perspectives, and be overly uniform in their...
“More than any other segment of the population, white evangelical Christians demonstrate a blindness to the struggle of their African American brothers and sisters.” – Brooke Hempell, Vice President of Research for The Barna Group Why is it so hard to make...
Christopher West on Sex and the Meaning of Life by Don Johnson | Relevant Radio On this hour of the show: Guest: Christopher West on Humanae Vitae Sex is all about life Caller: Tim thinks Natural Family...
Heroic Families by Don Johnson | Relevant Radio On this hour of the show: Guest: Peter Howard on heroic families Only ⅕ people feel like they’re thriving with purpose in life; that’s an issue We have a...
One Beautiful Dream by Don Johnson | Relevant Radio On this hour of the show: Caller: Nancy has a doctorate degree and has two daughters who have grown up to be successful career women. You can have both...