Kaylyn Green joins Don to host 3 days of The Patrick Madrid Show
January 20, 2017
Hour 1 – MP3
- The West Coast gears up for “Walk for Life” and “OneLifeLA.” True feminism.
- The psychology of abortion; do women really have a “choice” to abort their baby or do they abort our of pressure?
- Caller: It’s ironic that many pro-abortion women are planning to protest about being objectified when at the same time they want sexual liberation without consequence
- Caller: I took Plan B once. I’m a single mom, who didn’t abort my baby.
- Caller: My girlfriend aborted my baby without telling me; where was MY choice as a man? Morality was “destroyed” in the ‘60s and ‘70s
Hour 2 – MP3
- Caller: I think that the humanity of the unborn baby is the key issue.
- Caller: Why do you keep using the term “pro-abortion” rather than “pro-choice”?
- Caller: I think that pride is the real issue.
- An article observes that college students claim everything is relative, yet they get up in arms to protest ideas that they don’t like.
- What happened to relativism? What is Truth?
- The Most Outlandish Statement by a Celebrity: Don picks the week’s winner.
January 27, 2017
Hour 1: MP3
- March for Life kicks off in Washington, D.C.
- Ultrasound technology and the pro-life cause
- “Atlantic” magazine author laments the impact of ultrasound technology for giving the “false” impression that babies are human.
- Caller: I’m a doctor; the Hippocratic Oath clearly upholds the humanity of unborn children. The Nuremberg Trials held euthanasia and abortion as “crimes against humanity”.
- Caller: How can I refute a “greater good” argument for abortion?
Hour 2: MP3
- Caller: Scripture clearly states that God holds unborn children as persons, even before they are conceived.
- The link between abortion and contraception.
- Americans are busier than ever, is this a good or bad thing? How hard does God want us to work?
- Caller: We keep talking about a time for rest – but God has already provided one in the Sabbath!
- Caller: My family has been very blessed by our observance of the Sabbath.
- Guest caller: Dan reports live from the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
- “Reporter” Dan continued: Perfect weather, great mood and perhaps a larger crowd than ever before.
February 3, 2017
Hour 1: MP3
- The United States is dangerously low on – bacon.
- President Trump attends the national prayer breakfast.
- President Trump and spiritual health: Material success does not equal happiness.
- President Trump vows to eliminate the Johnson Amendment.
Caller: Wes says religion should not be a part of politics
Hour 2 – MP3
- Don and Kaylyn chat about Trump, politics and religion.
- Ricky Gervais puts Stephen Colbert in an atheist headlock on the late show. Is religion “blind faith”?
- Gervais/Colbert, continued. Do atheists simply deny “one more god” than a Christian does? Is Science “truth”, and Faith mere “belief”?
- 7 members on the coaching staff for the New England Patriots went to John Carroll University
- A 22 year old nanny donates her liver to save the little girl she babysits
- Movie reviews by Don and Kaylyn: “Hidden Figures,” “Silence,” and “La La Land”