Gene Edward Veith posted this on worldmagblog today and I thought it was worth bringing here:

In Nebraska’s partial birth abortion test-case, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, the abortionist who got that state’s ban overturned, testified against the national ban, giving even more telling evidence about what abortionists do. He objected to the law, which prohibits any “overt act” to kill a “fetus” that has been partially delivered, saying that this would outlaw virtually all abortions after the first trimester. He expressed concern that this law would forbid the common technique known as “dilation and extraction” (D&X).
Carhart said at least once a month, an entire fetus is expelled from the mother during a D&E he is performing. “The fetuses are alive at the time of delivery,” he said. There is a heartbeat “very frequently.”
And then, he does. . .what?

Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries