Last week I filled in for Joe Sikorra. Here is the audio:
January 20, 2016, Hour 1 MP3
- Religious talk found in the latest presidential debate.
- Caller: I don’t believe in abortion – but what about welfare issues and issues of the poor? Isn’t abortion a solution to poverty? Caller: I am reaching out to guards near the Planned Parenthood facility and the veteran pro lifers there say not to.
- Caller: I used to work for Planned Parenthood and as a nurse; I fear that abortions will always be happening no matter what we do to prevent it.
- The new generational truths of the pro-choice movement.
January 20, 2016, Hour 2 MP3
- Caller: The movie “Convinced” helped me to see a completely different perspective on abortion.
- God’s model design for family.
- A Catholic’s view on the soul and the body, as compared to evangelical Christians.
- Cultural views on the body and the soul.
January 21, 2016, Hour 1 MP3
- New study on pornography from Barna Research.
- Caller: The Courage program is great for people with porn addiction.
- Chastity in today’s culture.
- Caller: I am wondering why the church as a whole does not speak about pornography.
January 21, 2016, Hour 2 MP3
- “In God We Trust” national motto challenged in the United States Supreme Court.
- Caller: To say that we can’t have any religion is unconstitutional in itself.
- Caller: I think atheism is not a religion; our money shouldn’t endorse religion at all.
- Caller: The Founders of our constitution meant to create a distinction between religion and God.
January 22, 2016, Hour 1 MP3
- Are your Facebook friends fake? Social media and cell phone usage are tearing apart from parenting skills.
- The Catholic Church’s intimate relationship with Jesus through the divine Eucharist.
- Donald Trump’s supporters are seeing him as running as Christianity’s “savior”.
- Caller: Donald trump is comparable to Thomas Paine in 1776, who was a Quaker.
January 22, 2016, Hour 2 MP3
- Caller: Donald Trump is all about the sales pitch – and he’s selling Christianity now.
- Winning the lottery is not always the best thing.
- Dangerous associations with winning the lottery.
- Marching for what is right in some shape or form.