Some wise words from Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia last week in addressing a Knights of Columbus gathering. He told the crowd that there is nothing wrong with believing in traditional Christianity:

"To believe in traditional Christianity is something else," Scalia said. "For the son of God to be born of a virgin? I mean, really. To believe that he rose from the dead and bodily ascended into heaven? How utterly ridiculous. To believe in miracles? Or that those who obey God will rise from the dead and those who do not will burn in hell?

"God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools … and he has not been disappointed."

Scalia went on to say

"intellect and reason need not be laid aside for religion. It is not irrational to accept the testimony of eyewitnesses who had nothing to gain. There is something wrong with rejecting a priori (deductively) the existence of miracles."

Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries