March 9, Hour 1

Don Johnson hosts The Joe Sikorra Show 3-9-16, Hour 1

  • The next generation of college students in America are not as smart as they used to be.
  • Catholic Education and its radical autonomy in today’s culture.
  • Caller: The rise of atheism has had a direct impact on autonomy and education; it has led to indifference in society.
  • Caller: Many people in the Catholic Church are philosophically fragmented.

March 9, Hour 2

Don Johnson hosts The Joe Sikorra Show 3-9-16, Hour 2

  • Caller: The Church is marginalized because Science and Psychology are seen as found more “credible.”
  • Is philosophy still valid in today’s culture?
  • Caller: What do you mean by the term “great thinkers”, give me an example!
  • Caller: Jesus gave us himself, this isn’t a mere “religion”.

March 10, Hour 1

Don Johnson hosts The Joe Sikorra Show, 3-10-16, Hour 1

  • Caller: The Holy Spirit is more and more visible now in the Catholic Church.
  • Ghoulish proposal gives mothers pregnant with a damaged baby an agonizing choice: Abort the dying child, or give birth so body parts can be used for transplants.

March 10, Hour 2

Don Johnson hosts The Joe Sikorra Show, 3-10-16, Hour 2

  • Psychology of taking pictures of food for Instagram. Kim Kardashian’s pictures on Instagram show how women are looking for “intimacy” without actually being intimate with someone.
  • Caller: True intimacy is found in making time for God, not in images on social media.
  • Monasteries are what have kept the liturgies alive, and serve as examples of how Catholics should behave in the workplace.
  • The Benedictine option.


Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries