The Don Johnson Show, 11-30-09 Brandon shares about the apologetic limitations of 30 minute conversations with one’s maintenance man. James the Magician hosts a much more effective and entertaining apologetic presentation in Wales this week. Don clarifies some...
The Don Johnson Show, 8-3-09 Don and Brandon talk again with caller Aaron, this time about what the existence of evil in the world tells us about whether or not God exists and what he is like if he does.
I realize that I may be the only that finds the self-refuting nonsense of new-age inspirational writers hilarious, but this heading to a Living Life Fully Daily Meditation made me laugh out loud:Today's Quotation: A cup is useful only when it is empty; and a mind...
I got this funny and insightful email from listener Pete. A few years ago Deepak Chopra appeared on Lee Strobel’s TV program “Faith Under Fire” opposite Christian apologist Greg Koukl to talk about the “future of faith.” Perhaps you guys...
The Don Johnson Show, 3-2-09 Don and Brandon spend most of this show talking with caller “Wolfinator” about whether or not all spiritual paths lead to Heaven, among a few other things.
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries