Today’s radio show will be about the state of American religion. Reports indicate that we may be in the midst of a some type of spiritual awakening, but what type of Awakening is it? Is the current trend towards "spirituality" a good development or...
Time magazine recently named Brian D. McLaren one of the top 25 most influential evangelicals in America. He is a leader in the "Emergent Church" movement. (Although they don’t like to call it a movement, if it walks like a duck…). There is a lot...
As someone who has been part of my share of church programs, I heartily agree with John O’Keefe’s analysis.
Joel Osteen has the biggest church in America and is becoming a national personality. The Washington Post did a big Sunday story on him, noting that "The Smiling Preacher" is taking over Houston’s Compaq Center to hold his services. Unfortunately, he...
The numbers are still too small, but this poll shows an encouraging trend:Churchgoing Americans grew less patient in the past four years with politicians making compromises on such issues as abortion and homosexual rights, according to a survey released yesterday. At...
As expected, the inauguration pastor produced a meaningless, nonsensical prayer. He managed to say the name Jesus in his prayer, but he did so in the context of affirming the value of the Koran and other religions. Unfortunately, I suppose that is what many people...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries