As an addendum to the previous post, (read that first if you haven’t yet), I submit this for your consideration: If people use entertainment primarily as a means to dull the pain and drudgery of their meaningless, empty lives, – to forget about how...
I’m back from Canada and will resume blogging next week. In the mean time, I ran across this article while trying to wade through my email box and thought is was worth a post. Churches tend to sell themselves as "families" or "communities" to...
Today’s excellent Christianity Today editorial about the church and politics includes these two great quotes: Nearly a quarter of a century ago, just as the Religious Right was blossoming, Richard John Neuhaus put it this way: "Jesus Christ is Lord. That is...
Gene Edward Veith has written a great commentary on a study that I’ve discussed on the radio show and quoted recently in a sermon ("The Gospel According to John") about the spiritual lives of American youth.After interviewing over 3,000 teenagers, the...
James L. Evans makes some excellent points in this article from the Atlanta Journal Constitution. There is a long registration process to view it so I’ve pasted the whole thing here: In his new book, "So Help Me God," former Alabama Supreme Court Chief...
As I read Jack Hitt’s LA Times op-ed this morning I found myself first nodding my head in agreement then rolling my eyes in frustration. Hitt accurately points out a major problem in today’s politicized view of Christianity: Jesus was not a lobbyist. Hitt...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries