As expected, the inauguration pastor produced a meaningless, nonsensical prayer. He managed to say the name Jesus in his prayer, but he did so in the context of affirming the value of the Koran and other religions. Unfortunately, I suppose that is what many people...
Read two articles today about the sorry state of religion in America and, unfortunately, I basically agree with both. Stephen Prothero laments the overall religious illiteracy of Americans in the LA Times, while Ron Sider writes a scathing indictment of American...
Added another blog site to my opinion list today: Between Two Worlds offers up cool stuff like an interview with the atheist turned theist I discussed below and some links to some good reviews of mega-selling books The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life...
As I said before the election, I was not a big fan of either presidential candidate this year. And I think the fact that conservative Christianity has become so closely affiliated with one party is a very bad development. When the church becomes just another cog in...
I haven’t read a passage from a contemporary author that has made me sit back and say “Yes!” for a awhile, but I ran across this one recently. It is from Michael Horton’s “A Better Way”: Now we can no longer settle for those sermons...
As someone who has spent a good deal of time working in Christian churches, I can tell you that the Achilles heal of most congregations is the ever present pressure to get more butts into the pews. The drive for large numbers has changed the message and the method of...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries