In this Parish Mission, speaker Don Johnson walks you through four of the most valuable gifts of the Catholic Faith. Weaving together stories from his conversion, tales from his experiences as a filmmaker and radio host, and deep Biblical insight, Johnson will have...
It has been my honor to take over for Trent Horn as Timmerie Millington’s co-host on the Hearts and Minds radio show! Check out the last two shows here and stay tuned for a big announcement next week! The Strange Silence About Sex Slavery Hearts and Minds,...
The Don Johnson Show 11-4-16 Don talks with best-selling author Michael O’Brien about several of books, including his latest The Fool of New York City. Also, Don discusses The Metanoia Project and offers a few thoughts on how the Hatmaker fiasco shows the...
Although he died fifty years ago today, seven years before I was born, I consider C.S. Lewis to be one of the most influential people in my life. His books have educated and inspired me and I try to model my evangelism and apologetics efforts largely after his. For...
The Don Johnson Show, 11-15-13 Don and Brandon discuss some ways to find an accurate interpretation of the Bible and Don finds some parallels between the “atheist church” movement and some Christian approaches to gathering on Sundays.
The Don Johnson Show, 9-17-13 Don talks with caller Aaron about “the atheist dilemma”: what are we to do with the universal human desire for the transcendent?
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries