The Don Johnson Show, 8-10-12 Don and Brandon discuss several issues relating to the recent Chick Fil A brouhaha, including the idea that Christians overemphasize homosexuality.
Don Johnson Show, 3-19-12 An Orange County billboard claims atheists make better lovers because they don’t have to worry about anybody watching. What is the actual message here and does it stand up to scrutiny? The New York Times’ David Brooks reviews...
The Don Johnson Show, 6-6-11 What are we to make of “Jesus Movements” in which people claim to follow Christ while remaining Muslim, Buddhist, etc.? Don and Brandon discuss the relationship between Christ and culture. What is the best explanation for...
According to G.K. Chesterton, the only sin is to call a green leaf gray. He was referring, at least in part, to the fact that the foundational problem with mankind is a refusal to submit to reality. More specifically, the base sin of humanity is to refuse to accept...
Here is an informative and well written post from Robert Kunda in response to a potential “Gay Awakening” in the church.
“The Glove Affair”, a sex education / AIDS fundraising event, is so ridiculous that even the (self professed) liberal columnist who described it on the opinion pages of the LA Times expressed queasiness about letting her thirteen year old daughter attend. Not that it...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries