The Next Great Awakening?

The Don Johnson Show, 2-26-05 Is the current increased interest in spirituality a good thing? Is it a an “awakening” in the traditional sense? This topic includes a conversation with a self-professed pantheist who objected to our handling of the topic from...

Why Pantheism is False

The Don Johnson Show, 2-19-05 Listener email: a response to pantheism from last weeks comments section. What acceptance of euthanasia says about our culture’s view of the meaning of life.

Is Homosexuality a Civil Rights Issue?

February 12, 2005 Is homosexuality a civil rights issue? Is it a sin? Do all religions lead to God? Are Christians intolerant and arrogant for thinking they have the one way, the one truth? What abortion advocates really think.

Can a good Christian vote Democrat?

The Don Johnson Show 2-5-05 Democrats are trying to woo religious voters by framing their issues in moral terms. But are topics like caring for the environment and helping the poor really on the same theological plane as homosexuality and abortion?

Addressing Objections to Christianity

The Don Johnson Show, 1-29-05 Addressing objections to Christianity, including Christians are hypocrites The Bible doesn’t offer good moral teaching Jesus said He was coming back soon and didn’t The Bible is not historically...
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