A Debate with a “Zen-Master”

The Don Johnson Show, 5-21-05 Our in-studio guest this week is Audrey Carr, co-author of “The Gospel According to Zen” and editor of “The Zen Game” website and newsletter. We debate her New Age views, including her beliefs about Jesus,...

Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?

The Don Johnson Show, 5-14-05 According to this article, beliefs about Heaven are changing. In the name of tolerance, people now accept that there are many as many paths to Heaven as there are beliefs. We examine this trend.

Relativism and the Search for Truth in Religion

The Don Johnson Show, 4-23-05 The reaction to the election of Pope Benedict has exposed the “dictatorship of relativism” that he disdains for what it is. Most people judge his positions based on their personal preferences rather than whether or not what he...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries