On Flowers in Heaven and Faking Your Prayer Life

The Don Johnson Show, 6-20-11 Don and Brandon respond to an article at losingmyreligion.com on the impossibility of being good in Heaven and answer a listener email about whether or not you should go through the motions of religion even if you don’t feel like...

The End of the World

The Don Johnson Show, 5-16-11 Don and Brandon discuss several topics associated with Harold Camping’s prediction that the end of the world will start this weekend.

College Education and the Rise of the Village Atheist

The Don Johnson Show, 4-11-11 “New atheists” such as Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens like to portray themselves as academically and intellectually superior to Christians. Does this claim stand up to scrutiny? Don and Brandon talk about that in...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries