Discussion with Fahran the ex-Muslim Agnostic

Discussion with Fahran the ex-Muslim Agnostic

The Don Johnson Show, 4-30-12 Don and Brandon talk with Farhan Qureshi of beliefrevision.com. Farhan is an ex-Muslim who now is part of a Unitarian Universalist congregation. He describes himself as a truth seeker, a free thinker, an agnostic theist, a relativist, a...

Why Christianity is more Reasonable and Scientific than Atheism

Don Johnson Show, 4-2-12 Atheists like to present themselves as lovers of reason and science on a crusade to expose the irrationality and superstitious tendencies of religious believers. Don and Brandon spend the show examining this claim. Along the way they read a...

Conversation with Bill the Naturalist

The Don Johnson Show, 3-21-11 Don and Brandon talk with Bill, an atheist caller from Virginia. In a discussion that ranges from bears to objective morality, each man presents and defends some evidences for their worldview.
Dan Savage’s Rank Hypocrisy, President Obama’s Weak Theology, and Bill Maher’s Illusory Superiority

Religion for Atheists and Promiscuity for Everyone

Don Johnson Show, 3-19-12 An Orange County billboard claims atheists make better lovers because they don’t have to worry about anybody watching. What is the actual message here and does it stand up to scrutiny? The New York Times’ David Brooks reviews...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries