Why Hume was Wrong about Miracles

Why Hume was Wrong about Miracles

The Don Johnson Show, 12-17-12 How the Christmas story shows God’s response to the evil in Newtown. For further reference see articles by Ross Douthat, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, and Ravi Zacharias. Is it better to hold to vague and false doctrine or be...
Why Hume was Wrong about Miracles

Truth, Tolerance, and the Argument from Miracles

The Don Johnson Show, 12-3-12 Don and Brandon answer listener emails and address a wide variety of topics, including: Why truth is best transmitted person to person. The Universalist who is intolerant of evangelicals. The evangelicals who are intolerant of...

Why Christians Must Not Abandon the Culture War

The Don Johnson Show, 11-9-12 Don and Brandon discuss several issues relating to the election, including the notion that Christians should stay away from divisive political issues. Some articles that go with the show: Rights Talk Run Amok Square None Irrepressible...

On Prayer, Politics, and Freedom

The Don Johnson Show, 11-2-12 Listener Josh asks, “Why does prayer work? If God always does what is best anyway, why would he take our prayers into account when acting?” How should the Christian think about politics? Don and Brandon discuss the...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries