Not the Real Thing

Not the Real Thing

The Don Johnson Show, 8-30-13 Would people still take vacations if they didn’t get to post pictures of their adventures on facebook? In this episode, Don and Brandon discuss that and more, including Don’s new book How to Talk to a Skeptic: An Easy to...
Not the Real Thing

Science and the Light of Faith

The Don Johnson Show, 7-19-13 Does the scientific method tell us all there is to know about the world? In tackling this issue Don and Brandon discuss an article by Barbara Forrest and refer to the new encyclical from Pope Francis.
Living like Animals

Living like Animals

The Don Johnson Show, 7-12-13 Don and Brandon discuss sexual ethics in light of what it means to be created in the image of God. They note that God made us with the ability to love, but we have largely chosen to squander that gift and live like animals, slaves to our...
The Brutal Logic of Abortion

The Brutal Logic of Abortion

The Don Johnson Show, 5-2-13 Don comments on the Kermit Gosnell case. Some links to go with the show: Why Gosnell’s Trial Should be a Front Page Story From Roe to Gosnell Gosnell Worker: Baby Surviving Abortion Struggled in Toilet Trying to Live The Lethal Logic...
The Brutal Logic of Abortion

Terrorism and the Search for Meaning

The Don Johnson Show, 4-29-13 Don discusses the idea that the Boston Marathon bombers may have been motivated to become Islamists because it provided their life some meaning. He analyzes the various ways people respond to the void we all feel in our hearts. Some links...
The Brutal Logic of Abortion

Discussion with Naturalist Matthew Ferguson Part 2

The Don Johnson Show, 4-5-13 Don compares worldviews with metaphysical naturalist blogger Matthew Ferguson, a doctoral student at UC Irvine. In this part of the conversation, Don and Matthew discuss science and miracles. Some links to go with the show:   Miracles...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries