Discussion with Fahran the ex-Muslim Agnostic

Discussion with Fahran the ex-Muslim Agnostic

The Don Johnson Show, 4-30-12 Don and Brandon talk with Farhan Qureshi of beliefrevision.com. Farhan is an ex-Muslim who now is part of a Unitarian Universalist congregation. He describes himself as a truth seeker, a free thinker, an agnostic theist, a relativist, a...

Sound Hermeneutics, New Age Nonsense and Mean Canadians

The Don Johnson Show, 6-15-09 Don and Brandon comment briefly on last weeks conversation and discuss some of the different presuppositions Christians hold about the nature of the Biblical text and how that affects interpretation. They also address a listener question...

This is Your Mind on New Age Mysticism

I realize that I may be the only that finds the self-refuting nonsense of new-age inspirational writers hilarious, but this heading to a Living Life Fully Daily Meditation made me laugh out loud:Today's Quotation: A cup is useful only when it is empty; and a mind...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries