The Don Johnson Show, 12-16-16 Denzel Washington on Journalism and Truth Telling Be a Bookworm, Not a Goldfish Why Christmas Should Bother Everyone 10 Simple Ways to Slow Down this...
The Don Johnson Show, 12-2-16 Don discusses the fake news problem in the culture and how it relates to the end of the mislabeled Middle Ages. Junior Knows Best: How a troubling trope has taken over contemporary animated...
The Don Johnson Show 11-25-16 Post-Truth, the Word of the Year Jimmy Akin talks about his new book A Daily Defense You Should Thank God that your Kids are Mediocre...
The Don Johnson Show 11-18-16 Don talks with Gary Michuta, author of Hostile Witnesses, about how the enemies of the Church in history provide strong evidence for its truth. Also, Don discusses C.S. Lewis on the difference between faith and emotion, and offers some...
The Don Johnson Show 11-11-16 Don offers some thoughts on the election, particularly in the context of how Christians can be an effective prophetic voice within the current political climate. Articles to go with the show: Time for Christians to Unplug from Our Secular...