It has been my honor to take over for Trent Horn as Timmerie Millington’s co-host on the Hearts and Minds radio show! Check out the last two shows here and stay tuned for a big announcement next week! The Strange Silence About Sex Slavery Hearts and Minds,...
MP3 Don visits with Karlo Broussard and Jim Blackburn about the 20 Answers Challenge from Catholic Answers. Karlo discusses his booklet Miracles and Jim talks about Divorce and...
The Don Johnson Show 3-3-17 Don and Timmerie Millington discuss Lent, The Oscars, and Sarah Silverman’s struggle with motherhood. Along the way the chat about what it means to be a true feminist and introduce Don’s new documentary project about the sexual...
For over 50 years, Margaret Sanger led a battle for unrestricted and widespread use of contraception. She promised that it would result in happiness, freedom, and fulfillment. Her opposition came primarily from one source: The Catholic Church. Pope Paul VI argued that...
The don Johnson Show, 2-24-17 Don and Timmerie Millington discuss several stories from the week, including: According to survey of Millenials, sex before dating is OK, but a cracked phone is a turn off. “Casual” Sex is never actually casual. Chance the...