Living in Slavery while Believing You’re Free

The Don Johnson Show, 12-14-09 Don and Brandon clarify some points they made last week about the Manhattan Declaration, discuss the meaning of freedom according to Jesus and answer a listener question about the use of icons in worship, among other things. Along the...

The Manhattan Declaration and More

The Don Johnson Show, 12-7-09 Don and Brandon answer some listener questions about seeking meaning in life and whether or not Christianity makes extraordinary claims that require extraordinary evidence. They also discuss The Manhattan Declaration, a recently released...

Morality and Meaning According to an Atheist

The Don Johnson Show, 11-16-09 Don and Brandon talk with caller Aaron about whether atheism or theism better accounts for the data our senses provide. Specific topics include how to explain the Fort Hood shooting and whether or not life has any ultimate...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries