Paul’s Teaching on Election in Romans 9

Paul’s Teaching on Election in Romans 9

Does Romans 9 teach that God elects some people to be saved and others to be damned? I don’t think so. Here’s why. (I recommend having the Scripture open beside the paper to make it easier to follow the argument as I don’t use extensive quotations of...

Hitchens, Harris, and the Need for Some Gentle Instruction

My reading material today has included Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris and the first part of Christopher Hitchens’ memoir Hitch 22. I was struck by a couple of similarities: both authors have had bad experiences with Christians and both have a...

“Choice,” “Free Choice,” and the Misuse of Language

The Don Johnson Show, 6-24-10 Don and Brandon talk about their discussion with Jeremy on the last show. Only one question left to resolve: Did Jeremy misuse the English language on purpose or was it simply the result of an unfortunate chain of causal determinants in...

Conversation with Jeremy Beahan of Reasonable Doubts

The Don Johnson Show, 5-24-10 In response to listener requests, Jeremy Beahan of Reasonable Doubts comes on the show to address the issues we brought up in our April 19th broadcast and try to clarify his position regarding naturalism and determinism.
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries