The Don Johnson Show, 1-3-11 Atheist Dan Barker claims to know with certainty that the God of the Bible does not exist. In response to a listener request, Don and Brandon break down Barker’s case for his position as he presented it in this debate.
The Don Johnson Show, 12-20-10 Don and Brandon talk about the difference between emotional and intellectual doubt, then tackle Ricky Gervais’ defense of atheism in the Wall Street Journal. Don argues that Mr. Gervais is typical of many atheists: he does not...
The Don Johnson Show 12-14-10 Don talks about the dangers of the false doctrine of easy believism, illustrating his point with a story from Don and Brandon’s recent tour of the Holy Land. He then catches up on some more listener emails, touching on the...
The Don Johnson Show, 12-6-10 Liam Neeson thinks Aslan stands for Mohammed, Buddha, and “other great spiritual leaders” as well as Jesus. Does Romans 9 support the view that God predestines some for salvation and others for damnation? Don offers an...
I posted a link to this article over on my facebook page and got a couple of good comments, but I couldn’t privde links in my response, so I brought it over here. Dan wrote: I would tend to agree with the entertainment portion but I am not really sure that using...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries