Hope Without Truth is Pointless

Nice quote from Doug Groothuis: In the end, hope without truth is pointless. Illusions and delusions, no matter how comforting or grandiose, are the enemies of those who strive for integrity in their knowing and being. Statements such as “I like to think of the...

Christian vs Worldly Definitions of Love

Some reflections on Kierkegaard’s Works of Love: As a full-time evangelist, I spend much of my time interacting with atheists and other unbelievers, trying to convince them that Christianity is true and that they should follow Jesus. As a result, I am often...

Europe’s Real Problem

From Mark Steyn’s great new book, After America: [T]he self extinction of Europe is not just a matter of economics. Advanced social democracies don’t need a value added tax; they need a value added life…Europe’s economic crisis is a mere...

The Influence of Voluntarism on Soteriology and Hermeneutics

In my radio discussion with Jason a couple of weeks ago (August 1, 2011), I argued that he had a voluntaristic view of God. Here is a paper I wrote that provides a bit more information about voluntarism and briefly explains how it influenced Christian theology and...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries