The Don Johnson Show, 9-9-12 Don talks with atheist caller Wesley. Wesley grew up Christian and attended Dallas Baptist University and Dallas Theological Seminary, receiving a B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy. He then worked as a pastor for several years before giving up...
The Don Johnson Show, 9-9-12 Don talks with atheist caller Wesley. Wesley grew up Christian and attended Dallas Baptist University and Dallas Theological Seminary, receiving a B.A and M.A. in Philosophy. He then worked as a pastor for several years before giving up...
The Don Johnson Show, 9-6-12 Don and Brandon discuss the relationship between this world and the next, using Don’s trip to Sequoia National Park as an illustration. Some more articles demonstrating an abject refusal to acknowledge the truth when it comes to...
The Don Johnson Show, 8-10-12 Don and Brandon discuss several issues relating to the recent Chick Fil A brouhaha, including the idea that Christians overemphasize homosexuality.
The Don Johnson Show, 5-14-12 Don and Brandon wonder if Dan Savage works for the Ministry of Tolerance. They also discuss President Obama’s interpretation of the Golden Rule to support gay marriage, referencing great articles by Denny Burk and Francis Beckwith...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries