Europe’s Real Problem

From Mark Steyn’s great new book, After America: [T]he self extinction of Europe is not just a matter of economics. Advanced social democracies don’t need a value added tax; they need a value added life…Europe’s economic crisis is a mere...

The Relationship between God, Government, and Human Rights

The Don Johnson Show, 3-29-10 Don discusses the recent discovery of evidence that the ten plagues of Egypt actually happened and why even some Christians don’t know what to do with this data. He also clarifies some points from last week’s show and expands...

The Nanny State as a Religion

Mark Steyn is a genius. I recommend everything he has written, but today these two columns on health care and the effects of big government on a society are especially relevant: The Nationalization of Your Body Men are From Venus A sampling: In a nanny state, big...

The Gospel According to Obama

Saw this theological comment in support of Obamacare on Facebook: “I think Matthew 19:21 and Matthew 25:35 are [good] verses for what Obama is doing.” Must be reading from the New Obama Version: Matthew 19:21: “If you want to be perfect, go take...

God, Freedom, and Obamacare

The Don Johnson Show, 3-22-10 Don and Brandon rant about Obamacare while answering listener questions and comments. They discuss, among other things, whether the New Testament supports nationalized health care, how Christians should respond to the fall of the American...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries