As puberty hits for a young girl, imagine the additional earth-shaking and existential uncertainty caused by wondering whether she might actually be a man trapped in a woman’s body. She starts on puberty blockers, moves on to cross-sex hormones, and even goes through...
I was scrolling though Instagram recently when I came across a post from a Christian woman with 165,000 followers explaining how excited she and her husband were to have a “transgender” child. She detailed why they had changed their daughter’s name to Max and now...
Fr. James Martin recently raised a few eyebrows, and brought the condemnation of some fellow clergy, by seeming to question whether the Bible could actually be trusted on moral issues.At first glance, Fr. Martin seems to be implying that the Bible’s supposed...
For the past few months my youngest daughter has been studying modern history. As part of the curriculum, she has had to memorize a timeline of important events. Many of these, of course, involve immense tragedies and acts of violence that resulted the death of...
I admit, the trailers for Toy Story 4 made me apprehensive when I saw them earlier this year. A Hollywood blockbuster about a plastic spork now living life as a child’s toy? It sounded like the perfect set up for a message about the joys of self-identifying as...