Slandering the Righteous

The anti-religion crowd sure spends a lot of time and energy trying to make spiritual leaders look bad. (Really, Christopher Hitchens, a screed against Mother Theresa?) This is nothing new, of course, and neither is the reason for it: bringing down the saints is...

The Nanny State as a Religion

Mark Steyn is a genius. I recommend everything he has written, but today these two columns on health care and the effects of big government on a society are especially relevant: The Nationalization of Your Body Men are From Venus A sampling: In a nanny state, big...

The Gospel According to Obama

Saw this theological comment in support of Obamacare on Facebook: “I think Matthew 19:21 and Matthew 25:35 are [good] verses for what Obama is doing.” Must be reading from the New Obama Version: Matthew 19:21: “If you want to be perfect, go take...

8 Big Lies About Salvation and the Christian Life

Here is the first in a series of talks I gave recently in Canada. They are about popular propositions that produce false assurance of salvation in believers and spiritual weakness in the church. You can find the rest (in both MP3 audio and MP4 video format)...
Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries